About Me

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Just my thoughts on what ever pops up. The kids are more or less on their own pursuing various degrees. My hubby does take a bit more of my time But that's as it should be. We have 3 dogs and they are my daily company. In my spare time I love to cook. I'm retired from the U. S. Air Force and am enjoying playing homemaker. (I take my hat off to the real homemakers) You'll probably get a mixed bag from my blog so be prepared for whatever may pop up in the conversation. Family is my touchstone.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thinking about Family

On March 26th, my Mom would have been 78 years old. She's been gone almost 12 years and I miss her every day. The hurting is not so bad but the lonely feeling is always there. Yes, I know she's watching but I can't talk to her. I can only hear her laugh in my head.

Mom was one of 10 kids. Her Dad worked in the coal mine and it killed him at 48 years old. My grandmother never remarried. Three of the four youngest went to the Masonic Home in Louisville, Kentucky. My Mom was fourteen but went with her two younger brothers to kind of keep an eye on them. Good thing too, because she met my Dad there. He had been there since he was 4 years old.
What brought me to writing this post is the oldest of the 10 kids, my Aunt Dolly is in the hospital right now. You have to know Aunt Dolly. For her to stay in the hospital, that is not a good thing. She has pneumonia. She also had 10 kids. The first 7 were boys. Her oldest daughter is her best friend. Aunt Dolly is Teresa's best friend. I adore them both. So, I'm praying very very hard that He will give them some more time together!!

God Bless

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