About Me

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Just my thoughts on what ever pops up. The kids are more or less on their own pursuing various degrees. My hubby does take a bit more of my time But that's as it should be. We have 3 dogs and they are my daily company. In my spare time I love to cook. I'm retired from the U. S. Air Force and am enjoying playing homemaker. (I take my hat off to the real homemakers) You'll probably get a mixed bag from my blog so be prepared for whatever may pop up in the conversation. Family is my touchstone.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Had 4 hubby free days. He went to a family reunion. I've enjoyed the "me" time but I do miss him.

The weather here is driving me nuts. I'd been enjoying my early morning time on the porch but now it's even too hot in the morning and I get up early. 6 am and it's too warm to enjoy my coffee outside.

So now, I'm finding different things to do inside the house. I'm doing a bunch of reorganizing. I find I have books scattered everywhere again. I thought I stopped buying so many books when I got my Kindle. The book must be reproducing or something.

Well, off to read and relax before bed.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I know a lot of people aren't reading this but I thought I would apologize for my lapse in posting. The last 5 weeks have been very hectic and I will get caught up as I really have a lot to say. My hubby is one of the subjects I wanted to talk about. He is awesome!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Just a Wonderful Day

Today was just a wonderful day with my honey. After 33 years, it's nice to know that the little things matter. We both worked a bit outside. I finished planting some flowers and I believe I'll only have to add some annuals here and there. Dan watered and checked on all the trees he's planted in the last few weeks. Last year we worked on the inside of the house so this year we're concentrating on the outside. It sure looked very sad when we started.

Then I roasted two whole chickens in my tabletop roaster. The ones you buy in the store are just so salty and greasy. I used some different spices but the main flavor was rosemary. Dan loves fried "taters" and corn on the cob, so that is what he got. If I say so myself, it was very good. Dan was kind enough to wash and put away the roaster for me. It's just too heavy for me to deal with.

I finished off the day giving myself a pedicure. Now that was extremely relaxing.

So, just a nice quiet Sunday spent with my guy. Priceless

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Review: The Witness by Nora Roberts

Wow, just wow!! Her 200th book and a great one it is!!!! Usually I pick and chose my Nora Roberts books depending on the synopsis but the last couple of years I've really enjoyed some of the differences in her writing style. I absolutely adored The Search. I am a die hard fan of her In Death Series and hope and pray it doesn't end for a very long time. Having said all that, The Witness is an outstanding addition to her work. The story of Abigail Lowery just flows. There is no other way to describe it. Poor Abigail does make one small mistake; she decides to hide out in a small Arkansas town in the Ozarks. Her secretiveness keeps attracting more interest than she wants. The town sheriff, Brooks Gleason, is curious and intrigued. I'm talking in circles here, I know it. There are so many things happening all through the novel, I absolutely don't want to give any spoilers. Brooks and his family are are so very well written and Abigail's dog, Bert, is a star attraction. But Abigail, Abigail is just indescribable. As a matter of fact, the only way I could describe her is she reminds me of the character, Temperance Brennan in Bones. Socially awkward and smart. Brooks plays off her character seamlessly. This part just made me think of men and their mothers. It's a conversation Brooks has with his mother after she first goes to see Abigail. (Brooks) ..."You...petted that big-ass monster dog?" (His Mom) " She told it in French it was all right. He was very sweet. He's devoted to her, I could see that. Never strayed more than two feet away. He's a very good dog, and I'm sure a fine companion. But that girl needs a friend. Now, I've got to run by the store and pick up some things. I want to try this recipe she gave me." "Ma, I don't want you going over there until I know more" "Brooks" He was thirty-two years old, and that tone, that look, could still make his balls shrink to marbles".... Anyways, it's a fantastic story with suspense, humor and action, lots of action. This is definitely one I will reread again and again. My rating: 4.5 Stars

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Book Blogging/Reviewing

When I volunteered to be a book blogger, I had all these wonderful thoughts and ideas. I’d get to share my love of books with others who loved books at an established, fun website. Naive, right? I mean, I talk books all the time with family and friends, how could writing about them in a forum be any different? I’m more than naive, I’m pretty much delusional.

It sounds like I’m ready to throw in the towel, not by a long shot. I love books too much. I recently had my first case of reviewer’s block and it made me think about what I was actually writing in my reviews. Seriously, I’m a 56 year old, fairly independent woman, pretty well read, articulate and with an opinion (just like everyone else). I served 20 years in the Air Force and wrote reports and projects for generals and stuff. How could writing about books be a big deal. It feels like a big deal for me.

Initially I thought, hey no one’s gonna care about my OPINION but some people actually do. Uh ho. How about if I write a review about a favorite author and it’s not necessarily a great review? How’s that going to make me feel? Like crap, by the way. Or what if, I write a scathing review of an ARC and the publisher reads it and doesn’t send Pure Textuality any more ARCs. Wow, I could shut down the website or something. So not happening!!

Then, I started doing the very worst thing possible. I was reading every book like I was going to write a review. I was highlighting and making notes on my Kindle Fire like crazy. About a week ago, I wasn’t having any fun reading a book (by one of my all time favorite authors), I received a month before release because I was not reading as a reader but as a reviewer. Smack my head!!

I know this all seems pretty silly. To me, it wasn’t. Did I mention delusional already? I had a talk with self. Just read the book, dammit!! Forget about everything else, that’s why you like to read. You’re making this out to be school or something where you had to read Animal Farm (I ended up using Cliff’s Notes). But remember the time you read Seven Days in May and went back and read all the author’s other novels.

Seriously, I’m not on medication, well, not too much. None for delusions though, honest. It’s ALL about the love of books. You’re going to end up reading some stinkers to find the diamonds. I’ve found many more diamonds than stinkers. I’ve reached out to authors and would you believe it, they reach back. Hey, they’re normal, regular people with an amazing talent.

Reading is what you make it. I decided I’m making it FUN again!!

And will still share my opinion with no pressure.

I’m off to read an extraordinary book by an author I love, even if it receives a 3 Star review (or more).

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thinking about Family

On March 26th, my Mom would have been 78 years old. She's been gone almost 12 years and I miss her every day. The hurting is not so bad but the lonely feeling is always there. Yes, I know she's watching but I can't talk to her. I can only hear her laugh in my head.

Mom was one of 10 kids. Her Dad worked in the coal mine and it killed him at 48 years old. My grandmother never remarried. Three of the four youngest went to the Masonic Home in Louisville, Kentucky. My Mom was fourteen but went with her two younger brothers to kind of keep an eye on them. Good thing too, because she met my Dad there. He had been there since he was 4 years old.
What brought me to writing this post is the oldest of the 10 kids, my Aunt Dolly is in the hospital right now. You have to know Aunt Dolly. For her to stay in the hospital, that is not a good thing. She has pneumonia. She also had 10 kids. The first 7 were boys. Her oldest daughter is her best friend. Aunt Dolly is Teresa's best friend. I adore them both. So, I'm praying very very hard that He will give them some more time together!!

God Bless

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Where Does The Time Go??

I can't believe I keep forgetting to post. Not that a lot was happening. I've enjoyed having this week with my oldest son. Sometimes you take family for granted and I guess we shouldn't.
Last night was a bit of an adventure. I was having some pain going to the bathroom and then ended up with a bit of blood in my urine. That will wake up real quick. Went to the emergency room at midnight and got home about 4 am. Seems I have an urinary tract infection. Never had one before and boy it came on so very fast. I'm fine but I lot tired. The doctor and nurse were steadily busy but they were very good. Can't often say that about an ER.
Hope all is well with everyone.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Review: Job Offer by Edmond Barrett

The synopsis for this novella is low key for a pretty interesting work Some people might pass by Mr. Barrett’s little gem. Thank goodness I’m curious and the book was very reasonable priced.

The Job Offer starts with a scene titled, “The past”. You know it’s gotta be important for it even to be mentioned. Then the book starts right in with the heroine, Jennifer, enduring a dead end job and poor living conditions. Enter the stranger, Douglas (whose real name turns out to be Collin), with a sexy British accent and a mysterious job offer.

Along the way, Jennifer learns there really are monsters living along side the ordinary people and some monsters are hunted but other less troublesome ones are not. Confused? Jennifer sure is and can’t figure out why some International “Organisation” (the author writes with the British spelling and unique verbiage) wants her to work for them policing and controlling paranormals. The sales pitch for the job is a little disturbing…

….” Alright I’ll start with the down side. It is a dangerous job; there’s a pretty good chance you’ll be seriously injured and some chance you’ll be killed before you hit thirty.”

The job has great benefits though, really. Jennifer takes the job for whatever reason. I’m not telling; read the novella. It sounds a bit corny writing this out. Let’s just say the book is much better than trying to describe the premise.

With the exception of getting used to the British writing style, I quite enjoyed the story which I believe is the lead in for a series. I learned a bunch of new British words. The story is not overly complicated and moves along enough to hold your attention. The biggest mystery is trying to figure out when Jennifer is going to show any “talents” that brought her to the attention of the Organisation.

My rating: 3 Stars

Monday, February 20, 2012

Review: WitchLight Trilogy by Debora Geary

I’ve done the review on the first three books in A Modern Witch by Ms Geary and now am reading the the WitchLight Trilogy which (no pun intended) focuses on the journey of two witches and their mentors. I’ve read the first two of the spin off and am actually finding myself a bit more involved in this series. This spin off was very cleverly done. The author took a pretty good character from A Modern Witch Series and made her an outstanding lead with added depth and parts of her story into the trilogy.

The lead characters are developed in depth. You appreciate them and can’t help getting drawn into their stories. The premise of this series is helping witches who are having issues even if they don’t want to admit it. There are 3 mentors and two students. The main mentor, Jenny, is tasked by her mentor to get involved and help two very different witches find their way.

These two witches are extremely different and have individual problems they don’t willingly recognize. The younger witch, Lizzard, is extremely gifted and smart but very insecure. Her hopes and dreams seem out of reach so she hides behind a smart mouth and getting into trouble. She has had a very tough life and when faced with putting up or shutting up, she runs away. The witches pull some strings to keep her out of juvie and try to help her grow and provide some stability in her life. Elsie is a professional and thinks she is just burned out and needs some time away from her practice to focus on charitable work. In other words she needs a new perspective and thinks she can devote some time to helping witches when she is the one who really needs the help. She’s a bit of a know it all and is completely blinded to her needs. She is rigid in control and just won’t let go.

Jenny as the head mentor knows she cannot handle these two on her own. She enlists some additional mentors, Lauren, (the lead in the first A Modern Witch) a new witch and her best friend, Nat, not a witch at all. Nat has other skills and is eerily able to read people. The whole witching community introduced in the Modern Witch Series ends up involved. The author combines the two series effortlessly.

When you begin this trilogy, have a Kleenex handy. You become so invested in the characters, their feelings, and awakening there is no way you CAN’T not feel for them and their mentors. Jenny is constantly questioning herself and how she can help her students. The following is one of my favorite passages in the novel when Jenny turns to her own mentor for advice and help.

Melvin looked off into the distance. “Why don’t you use a tripod when you take portraits?’

Twenty-five years together and he could still confuse the hell out of her. “too rigid. I need the freedom to move the camera to where it needs to be. If I lock it into place, I always miss the best shots.”

“Indeed.” He smiled softly. “Teach your students not to be tripods, then. Show them the difference between truly supporting someone and merely propping them up.”

There is a lesson in there.

While are plenty of things happening in the series, the thing you need to know is this series deals with people. Their hopes, their dreams, learning to trust themselves and others with their feelings, are beautifully portrayed by Ms Geary. I don’t want you to think you are going to cry from sadness and empathy. There is laughter and joy and even some tears to spend on the laughter and joy. I don’t think my feelings have run the gamut in a long long time. It was extremely refreshing to do so.

This is a trilogy and a spin off, so my advice is to read the first books in the Modern Witch Series, Modern Witch and Hidden Witch; then read the first of this trilogy, Witches on Parole: Unlocked, the third in the Modern Witches Series, A Reckless Witch, and THEN read Witches Underway (Book 2 of the WitchLight Series). If that’s not enough, the final WitchLight Series book, Witches in Flight, is planned for release in March 2012 and the fourth in A Modern Witch Series, A Nomadic Witch, in late spring. That’s a coven of Witch books, sorry couldn’t resist!

From visiting Ms Geary’s website and her Facebook page, I gather she doesn’t tweet but does have a lot of interaction with her fans on FB and on her website. You should stop by.

My rating for the first two books in the WitchLight Series:

4 Stars (This is a very solid four, no weaknesses)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Life is Happening

Well, I had planned to post a blog at least every other day but as you can see, that's not been happening. For some reason the past week just flew by. Then on Thursday, I over did it with appointments and running around town taking care of stuff. I had gotten up at 3:45am. After my appointments and some personal stuff, I was exhausted but couldn't get to sleep until midnight. Needless to say I've spent the last couple of days as a zombie. Oooo, I like zombies but don't like feeling like one. So I am taking today off. No chores!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lazy Sundays

Well maybe not so lazy. The hubby and I are making our biannual batch of chili. We usually end up using two or three stock pots but a friend of mine made a wonderful suggestion. I have an 18 quart oven I bake turkeys or very large roasts in and that's what we made the chili in. Can you believe it?, 18 quarts of chili. Maybe we won't need to make it again for 3 years. It sure smells good though. The best part, we made it together. I sliced and diced and he did the browning and put it all together.
Hope everyone is doing well.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Kindlegraphs have arrived!!

Since I found out about this cool feature, I've been dying to try it out.  I sent kindlegraph requests to two authors whose books I have.  The kindlegraphs came back within a couple of days and I'm in awe.
It comes into your kindle as a document so you have to add the kindlegraph address so your Fire will accept the document.
It took me a few minutes to figure out how to actually get them on my Kindle (have I mentioned I'm inept in electronic gadgets).
Once I got them, I was so surprised at the quality of the book cover flat and then each author wrote a personal little note and signed the paper book flat.
So, I guess now we just need to get more and more authors to sign on for this project.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I know I am technologically challenged and I accept this but am frustrated by it.  Most of the time I stumble upon new things accidentally.  I was way behind on the pinterest craze and had to have lessons from my sister-in-law.  By no means am I addicted but I enjoy it well enough.  I love most of my little gadgets but they are probably not being used to their full capacity.  I have my iPhone, my 2 Kindles and a desktop computer.  I know, everyone has a laptop but I'd never move off the couch if I had a laptop; besides between the Kindle Fire and my iPhone, I don't have to actually get on the computer unless I want some true speed and need the exercise.

Yes, there's a point to all this.  When I do accidentally come across new things, I like to share (and if you already know about the neat things I find, just humor me please ; ' )

I'm on twitter and I learn a bunch of stuff from other people's posts.  Just recently, Shiloh Walker made a comment in a tweet about a website called Kindlegraph.  Not knowing what that was, (I'm extremely nosey, er, curious), I googled it and found a very cool website.  I've always thought it was a shame with the advent of the e-readers that I was missing out on some of my favorite authors' autographs.  Well, now I or you don't have to.  Kindlegraph is a website where you can contact a favorite author and if they so desire, they can send you an autograph back as a document.  The autograph is on a cover flat and can even be personalized.  I thought this was fantastic.  I was ready to send off a slew of requests especially to my favorite indie authors.

Um, well, even though the website boasts partnering with over 1200 authors, only a few of "my" authors had signed up for the service.  From what I can gather from the website, the authors can sign up for free but in some instances the recipient of the autograph might have to pay a small fee for the document download.  Not sure how that will work.  I think I'm going to try it out and get back to you on it. 

The whole point of this ramble, er, post was to see if we as readers could get more authors on board so we can benefit in the autograph department.  So that's my discovery for the day.  Interested, let your favorite authors know.  Here's the link:  http://www.kindlegraph.com/authors

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I just realized, I have a follower, my hubby and my very first subscriber!!  Welcome Arabella!!

An Exciting Day!!

So much happened today but it was really awesome.  It just happens to concern mostly book stuff.  I had three blogs appear on Pure Textuality today.  The first was my personal thoughts previously posted here, A Reader's Dream.  The second, my interview with the fantastic Ms Connie Suttle, author of one of my favorite series, Blood Destiny Series. The third, the review of Connie's forthcoming release, Bumble.  Can't wait to read it again in Kindle format.  The ARC about destroyed my eyes but that's my fault as I was not working the Kindle right.
I was so worried about everything coming together for Connie's interview and new release and yet it went without a hitch.  I just didn't want to let Connie down.  Jena at Pure Textuality is a wonder.
Now the pressure is off for a while and I can read and review all I want, of course, in between having a life.  LOL, YAY!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Reversed my postings

I had previously written down some stuff on my career in the Air Force but when I copied and pasted, I reversed the order of the posts.  I've now corrected them.

Air Force Career #1

At the time I went into the Air Force, there were still many career fields not open to women.  I truly wanted to be a load master but was not allowed.  They didn't have any women flight crew at the time and those planes flew over hostile areas so that was out.  I was however allowed into my second choice which was jet engine mechanic.  I went in with a guaranteed job which was just beginning in 1976. 

Basic training was a hoot.  Just a mind game.  Again, at the time they were just beginning to integrate the men with the women.  Our "utility uniforms" were completely different from the men.  We were NOT allowed to shoot the M-16or have gas mask training and our obstacle course left out "the manly things". 

From there I went to Chanute AFB in Illinois for my engine training.  That's were things got a bit interesting.  We had about 400 airmen in various stages of training and there were only about 25 women.  It wasn't intensive training just really knowledge about general mechanics and tools.  At the time I did not realize it but I found out before I graduated that of the 25 women approximately 15 were gay.  This included my roommate.  She was extremely smart (an honor grad at both Basic Training and at Engine training.  She was one of my best friends as we went through basic together.)  Having never been around "gay" people, I had no idea what all the fuss was about.  The quickest way to get discharged if you didn't like what you were doing was to say you were gay.  lol
The women were treated differently in Engine Training.  We were the butt of many subtle jokes and the instructors were a bit condescending.  Of all the instructors, there was one female and she was a civilian.  She actually went in the other direction and favored the females in her classes.  One of the prerequisites on the career field was that females has to able to lift at least 50 pounds.  The first thing they did to us was test us on the weight limit.  The males didn't have to prove they could lift their weight limit.

I had no real problems at training except for the single instructors hitting on me.  I did date one on the sly.  We weren't supposed to but hey, whatever.  He could have lost his instructor status but nothing would have happened to me because I was the poor dumb female airman who didn't know any better.  He was never one of my instructors so that didn't play into anything.  I found out after I graduated that he kept a score card on how many trainees he could date and bed.  We lost several women from my class.  Not due to anything but they were found out.  We had 7 girls in my class and 4 admitted to being gay.  My roommate did not admit anything and as far as I know served her enlistment.

A Reader's Dream

What's your biggest dream as an avid reader?  Maybe to meet your favorite author in person?  Have an autographed copy of one of their books?

I recently got to live one of my dreams as a reader.    In August 2011, I was looking for something to read as usual.  I don't know about the rest of you but I don't just pick a book at random and read it.  I have to figure out what kind of book I'm in the mood for and go from there.  This one book kept popping up on my recommended list on Amazon, Blood Wager by Connie Suttle.  The cover caught my attention more than once but I don't buy my books based on the cover.  I read the synopsis and was a bit intrigued.  I really thought it was gonna be one of those fluff vampire books and a quick read.  I downloaded to my Kindle but for some reason didn't read it right away.  Fast forward to the middle of September and I finally started reading, and reading and reading.  I was totally hooked on the Blood Destiny Series. 

I do most of my reading at night after the hubby hits the sack.  Since I'm a book junkie, I limit myself to reading after 7 pm.  If I didn't, I'd read most of the day and nothing else would get done.  There will be the occasional book that I even though I want to, I can't finish due the eyelids closing of their own volition.  I'll usually polish it off the next morning after breakfast.  When I finally started reading Blood Wager, Ms Suttle had already released the next two books in the series, Blood Passage and Blood Sense.  I would think about the books most of the day.  Kinda like a song you can't get out of your head.  I was ready to send my husband to bed with his dinner so I could read. 

This series is not a quick read for me.  There are so many different things going on and so much information that I didn't want to miss ANYTHING.  Plus, I wanted to make them last.  When I got to the end of Blood Sense, I realized I was gonna have to wait two whole weeks for the next book.  Oh, the horror!  Readers get antsy waiting a year and I was craving the next installment, Blood Domination.  I did something I haven't done very much up until that point, I left a message on Ms Suttle's blog.  She was more than gracious and through some means or another, we began to send an email here or there.  Me, cheering for her success and she, thanking us for reading her books.  I felt like I had a bit of a connection and hoped she didn't think I was stalker.  No, not really.  Anyway, through whatever reader fairies there are, I ended up with a "Thanks" in the dedication of her last book, Blood Queen.  Just a few words that meant the world to me.

I actually thought things couldn't get any better in my reading life but I was wrong.  I began blogging for Pure Textuality.  I could talk about books anytime I wanted.  Jena wanted to know if there were any authors that the reviewers wanted to interview and I immediately thought of Connie.  I contacted Connie to see if she was interested and found out I was going to do her first (and mine) interview.  Excitement could not be contained!!  Jena helped me with some of the questions and we were off and running.  Jena, then threw me a curve ball.  Connie has a new series release coming up on the 1st of February and Jena wanted to see if I could get an ARC and do the review for release with the interview.  I should have been ecstatic, but I wasn't.  Connie's next book release, Bumble, is the beginning of a young adult series.  If you read my bio, I don't do young adult books.  Tried, couldn't get into them.  Connie sent the ARC and I was afraid to even start reading.  I shouldn't have worried.  When Connie writes, she must write with folks like me in mind.  By the end of the first chapter, I was in love with Ashe.  Gotta stop there on the book.  Review coming the 1st of February.

If you're wondering, I liked the book on it's own merit, not because I'm a devoted fan.  I was concerned about that coming through in my review but, no worries, the book stands on it's own.  Now I wonder if I shouldn't go back and try some other young adult books.  We shall see. 

My Reader's Dream came true in more ways than one.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Book Review - The Secret by Julie Garwood

This is one of my all time favorites.  It’s a historical romance set in the 12th century.  I do believe this is one of the first romances I read that actually contained humor and not the stereotypical heroine.  Most of all, this book is about the true friendship of two women who shouldn’t have been friends at all.  During the 12th century, England and Scotland did not get along, but for two young girls at a gathering, the animosity was incidental.  Lady Judith and Frances Catherine become fast friends and get into all kinds of difficulties over the years.  At one of their gatherings, Lady Judith makes a solemn promise to Frances Catherine.  Judith will be there when Frances Catherine (always the two names together) has her first child.  Too many women died in child birth from some pretty archaic beliefs and Frances Cathrine does not want to be one of them.  In addition to the story of friendship this book shows how different people with different belief systems can truly get along.

Of course there’s a love interest for Lady Judith but the road isn’t easy.  Laird Ian Maitland cannot believe this little English woman is turning his beliefs and his clan upside down.  Not only is Lady Judith an English woman in Scotland but she’s keeping a big secret from everyone involved except Frances Catherine.  It’s a secret that could tear the Highlands open, pull Clans apart or mean heartbreak for Lady Judith and the love she’s finally found.

When I think of true friendship, this is the book that always comes to mind. 

I hope if you haven’t read it, you’ll give it chance and if you have, read it again just for fun.  If I had a daughter this would be a book on her must read list from her Mom.

5 Stars (are you really surprised?)


Self Published Book Release/Review Website

You would think with all the self published books being done today there would be a central website where readers could go to find out when new releases are due out.  I know I find it difficult to keep up with some of the books I'm waiting to release that are self published.  Sometimes I don't find out till many days after the release.
Without the marketing of the publishing houses, the authors are on their own to get the word out.  The readers bounce from each authors' websites to find out when the next release will be.  I asked Jena, the owner of Pure Textuality, if she knew of any such websites.  Might be an idea for me to develop.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Air Force Career #2

Before I go into my first duty assignment, a little background is needed.  I'm a military brat.  My Dad did 20 years in the Air Force also.  My Mom was a homemaker until my youngest brother started school, then she worked just to work and help with the finances.  My Dad ALWAYS worked two jobs.  He had to have a part time job just for them to make ends meet.  We were a family of 6.  I had 3 brothers, I older and 2 younger.  My Dad and Mom were really upset about me joining the military.  Most of the time my Dad was in, "good girls" didn't join the military except as nurses.  But, I was 20 years old and didn't want to be stuck in Massachusetts for the rest of my life.  I wanted Warm weather.  One other thing.  At the time I joined the Air Force, I was 61 1/2 inches if I stretched it and weighed a whopping 98 pounds.  Not the ideal build for a mechanic but I'm stubborn.  Indicating you don't think I can do something is like a triple dare.

I got the warm weather or should I say, HOT weather.  I was lucky enough to get my first choice on my "dream sheet".  Tuscon, Arizona, here I come.  I drove from Massachusetts to Tuscon in 3 days and 1 speeding ticket later.  Oh what we can do when we're 21 years old.

My sponsor met me at a truck stop to help me find the base.  You should have seen the look on his face when I got out of my car.  He was this pretty muscular dude and he looked at me like I was a foreign species.  He was a really nice guy actually.  He picked me up at my quarters for my first day at work and took me to the shop.  I walked in and you could have heard a pin drop.  About 20 guys and me.  The shop boss just shook his head.  He took me to the break room to give me a run down.  To get to the break room we had to go through the in-shop area.  There are two ways to work on jet engines.  The major work is done on the engine when it's removed from the aircraft; some work can be done on the engine while still in the plane.  Walking through the in-shop, I saw all kinds of women.  I guess about a third of the 30 or so were women.  Also, in-shop work is only done on day shift (7am to 3pm)

His first words were, "you're gonna be our experiment".  I thought okay, that's interesting.  The engine shop currently had no females working the flight line (working on the planes with the engine installed).  They were trying to accept that they had to appear to be giving females the option.  I was pretty excited.  I was gonna work on actual airplanes.  There was a lot of paperwork required to get me the security clearances and basic flight line safety.  I was going to be around planes with engines running, planes moving, all kinds of vehicles driving around on the flight line.  So, my first month at my new job, I ran the snack bar when I wasn't in training.  They didn't even let me work in-shop as they thought it would confuse me since flight line work and in-shop work were so different.

Enjoying Life

Had a bit of a bad day yesterday.  Felt sick and had a migraine.  Even went to bed at 10:00 pm which is 2 hours early for me.  Got up at 4 am full of energy.  I wanted to get some stuff done around the house.  I'm okay if I do it in small batches and don't try to do too much at once.  Today was a day of accomplishment and I feel good but tired, which is a good thing. 

Off to hopefully finish a wonderful ARC, I hope.  My eyes are getting a bit heavy but the book is so very good.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Still Learning

Well, I'm not much further along than I was when I started but at least I'm no longer afraid when I make a change it will delete everything I've already done.  I've been looking at a bunch of other blog sites using blogger.com and still can't figure out how they've arranged some of their gadgets.  Hey, this is free so what can I say.
The first play-off football game just started and I have supper premade so maybe I can get some of my "to do" list done.
Off to do

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Deep Breaths

So much to do and there are only so many hours in a day and I take time off to sleep, cook, and read.  My house feels like a disaster area right now.  I'm reorganizing AGAIN.  This time it's including my closet.  Oh no!!  I have boxes in boxes and I don't know what's in any of them.  I just knew they would be safe in my closet as no one but me is allowed in there.  I do know I am looking for one of my son's college diploma.  Hope I find it.  Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Today my oldest brother had a heart cath.  He was having chest pains at work on Monday.  He had a stint installed in an artery behind his heart. 
My Dad had his first heart attack at 18 (1953) and they didn't know it at the time.  He had another in his early thirties and another at 41.  His last actual attack was at age 55 and they did a quadruple by-pass.  Since then he's had numerous stints and has a pacemaker/defib installed;  he's currently coming up on his 78th birthday.  He took care of himself after his attack at 41.  We tease him about being the energizer bunny.
Medicine improves each day but we have to help by trying to do what is best for our health.

I so hope and pray my brother has that same dedication to taking care of himself.


So I've decided to start my own blog.  I follow too many people/blogs and hopefully can put them all here and go from there.  I'm a bit excited.