Yes, there's a point to all this. When I do accidentally come across new things, I like to share (and if you already know about the neat things I find, just humor me please ; ' )
I'm on twitter and I learn a bunch of stuff from other people's posts. Just recently, Shiloh Walker made a comment in a tweet about a website called Kindlegraph. Not knowing what that was, (I'm extremely nosey, er, curious), I googled it and found a very cool website. I've always thought it was a shame with the advent of the e-readers that I was missing out on some of my favorite authors' autographs. Well, now I or you don't have to. Kindlegraph is a website where you can contact a favorite author and if they so desire, they can send you an autograph back as a document. The autograph is on a cover flat and can even be personalized. I thought this was fantastic. I was ready to send off a slew of requests especially to my favorite indie authors.
Um, well, even though the website boasts partnering with over 1200 authors, only a few of "my" authors had signed up for the service. From what I can gather from the website, the authors can sign up for free but in some instances the recipient of the autograph might have to pay a small fee for the document download. Not sure how that will work. I think I'm going to try it out and get back to you on it.
The whole point of this ramble, er, post was to see if we as readers could get more authors on board so we can benefit in the autograph department. So that's my discovery for the day. Interested, let your favorite authors know. Here's the link: