About Me

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Just my thoughts on what ever pops up. The kids are more or less on their own pursuing various degrees. My hubby does take a bit more of my time But that's as it should be. We have 3 dogs and they are my daily company. In my spare time I love to cook. I'm retired from the U. S. Air Force and am enjoying playing homemaker. (I take my hat off to the real homemakers) You'll probably get a mixed bag from my blog so be prepared for whatever may pop up in the conversation. Family is my touchstone.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Life is Happening

Well, I had planned to post a blog at least every other day but as you can see, that's not been happening. For some reason the past week just flew by. Then on Thursday, I over did it with appointments and running around town taking care of stuff. I had gotten up at 3:45am. After my appointments and some personal stuff, I was exhausted but couldn't get to sleep until midnight. Needless to say I've spent the last couple of days as a zombie. Oooo, I like zombies but don't like feeling like one. So I am taking today off. No chores!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lazy Sundays

Well maybe not so lazy. The hubby and I are making our biannual batch of chili. We usually end up using two or three stock pots but a friend of mine made a wonderful suggestion. I have an 18 quart oven I bake turkeys or very large roasts in and that's what we made the chili in. Can you believe it?, 18 quarts of chili. Maybe we won't need to make it again for 3 years. It sure smells good though. The best part, we made it together. I sliced and diced and he did the browning and put it all together.
Hope everyone is doing well.