About Me

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Just my thoughts on what ever pops up. The kids are more or less on their own pursuing various degrees. My hubby does take a bit more of my time But that's as it should be. We have 3 dogs and they are my daily company. In my spare time I love to cook. I'm retired from the U. S. Air Force and am enjoying playing homemaker. (I take my hat off to the real homemakers) You'll probably get a mixed bag from my blog so be prepared for whatever may pop up in the conversation. Family is my touchstone.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Thought about Trials

Last night a jury of 6 women found George Zimmerman not guilty of murder or manslaughter in the death of 17 year old Treyvon Martin. This was an explosive case only because it was made to be by politicians/???.

The shooter is Hispanic and the deceased is black. The media kept referring to Zimmerman as "self-styled" Hispanic. My gosh, look at the man. He is clearly Hispanic. Okay. Past that point. I saw twitter and fb explode with outrage. I really wanted to respond but who follows a 57 year old white mom. However, people do follow and listen to "celebrities and people they admire. Those people that I also admire let me down.

Yes, it is a tragedy that a 17 year old young man is dead. Yes, Zimmerman should have done things differently. Now, look at the bigger picture. Both prosecution and the defense has their say. 6 women, 5 of them Moms, based their decision on what was presented and THE LAW. They were not allowed to be inflamed by the press and anyone else with an opinion. They were sequestered. We, the viewing public were not. We had more information but a lot of it was not relevant in a court of law.

By writing this, you think you know my opinion on this case? You're wrong. I don't have an opinion because, it's slanted by everyone else's opinion. Am I outraged by the death of a 17 year old young man? YES. I'm also outraged that Mr. Zimmerman had his day in court, was found not guilty, and now has to stay in hiding with his family. We're better than that.

The only ones that have handled themselves with grace and dignity are the Martin family, the Zimmerman family and the 6 women on the jury. Even the lawyers had to get in front of the cameras and retry their cases.

I guess what I'm saying is we are a country of laws. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Outrage is allowed. Think about what you say and do before you say or do it. You could be the next Treyvon Martin or George Zimmerman.

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